The internet is filled with hundreds of different birth bag packing lists. My list only includes the essentials, but feel free to pack what feels good to you. I do not include supplies that are offered in most birthing facilities or what you would pack for a typical overnight stay, these items would be in addition to your typical overnight packing items:
Hospital Paperwork, ID, Insurance Card
Gown (should be a snap or button closure rather than pullover if you would like to wear your own)
Shower Shoes
Hair Ties
Diffuser and/or Battery-Operated Candles
Birth Plan/Preferences
Nursing Bra
Birth Ball (check with your hospital or birth center to see if they have one available)
Nursing Pillow
2-3 outfits for baby (include newborn and 0-3 months)
Cord Blood Kit (if you're planning to bank or donate)
Prescription Medications
Thing you don't need to bring:
Breast Pump
Postpartum Underwear & Pads
Diapers & Wipes (unless you prefer to use your own brand and/or cloth diapers)
Non-Slip Socks
Jewelry or Valuables
You can find a list of postpartum essentials here.